
Staying up to date on the latest news, research, trends, and insight is easy, thanks to these helpful resources from Springbrook Behavioral Health.

Mental Health News Radio: Myths and Misconceptions in the World of Autism

Myths and Misconceptions in the World of Autism by Dr. Matthew Fisher, MDTo learn more click here.

Successful Teaching Write-Up About Converge Autism Conferece

Pat Hensley, Professor at Furman University and writer of Successful Teaching, attended the Converge Autism Conference this February. Her blog has wonderful insights for the autism community, with...
build oral skills children with autism

Activities That Build Oral Motor Skills

Activities That Build Oral Motor Skills Are Important For Kids With Autism

Although oral motor skills are often overlooked, they are extremely important for children with autism to develop. Kids who are constan...
Using Deep Pressure Stimulation to Improve Sensory Processing

Using Deep Pressure Stimulation to Improve Sensory Processing

In addition to vestibular activities like swinging and rocking, the deep pressure stimulation...
sensory therapy

Enhance Sensory Processing Skills With At Home Vestibular Activities

Children with sensory modulation disorder can often appear over-responsive to certain sensory stimuli, making them fearful of movement or resistant to touch, for example, while also being under-responsive to a different...
At Home Activities for Sensory Integration Intro

Activities That Support Sensory Integration for Children with Autism

Why is Sensory Integration Important?

After their children have completed our residential ...