Autism Resources

Helping Grandchildren with Autism

From the thrill of the pregnancy announcement to the first time you hold your child’s child, becoming a grandparent is traditionally an experience filled with expectation and happiness. Watching grandchildren grow can be one of life’s greatest joys, but based on recent statistics, an increasing number of grandparents are learning what it means to have

Two New High-Tech Wearables for Kids with ASD Look Promising

A new app-controlled pressure vest to reduce anxiety for kids with ASD and augmented reality (AR) glasses to improve social interaction are in development this year and doing well in peer-reviewed studies. For many years now, researchers in the autism field have focused on technology-aided approaches to help improve everything from communication challenges and social

Writing and Autism: Build Confidence and Connection Through the Written Word

Getting your kids to write anything down can feel impossible—especially if you’re the parent of a child on the autism spectrum, who may be minimally verbal or reluctant to use language in the first place. One recommendation that we often make to parents, particularly as their children enter the teen years, is to seek out

Drowning Prevention for Children with Autism

Specialized swim lessons and water safety courses can save lives for kids with ASD If you’re the parent of a child on the autism spectrum, it’s likely that accidental drowning is high on your list of fears. Water safety and drowning prevention for children with autism are absolutely essential skills to begin teaching early and

Addressing temper tantrums

Addressing temper tantrums One of the more common problems that can be experienced with any developing child can be the act of temper tantrums. Due to limitations in communication or understanding this can even be greater for those with developmental disabilities such as autism. A key is to determine what the motivation is for the

Understanding two principles of Communicative Reinforcement in Autism

    Time 2 Talk: Understanding two principles of Communicative Reinforcement in Autism Communication is the modality of life. No human being fully develops in its absence. These two statements are founded upon two basic principles. We communicate to:   1) access what we want 2) avoid what we don’t   Its that simple.  

5 things that will help your child do better with school

5 things that will help your child do better with school   Aim high. You have to understand that your expectations as a parent have a huge impact when it comes to student performance. If you don’t expect your child to do well, your expectations will likely be met.   Positive words. It matters what