Dr. Craddock is a practicing psychiatrist in Greenville. He is the Medical Director of the Acute Autism Assessment and Stabilization Unit at SpringBrook Hospital in Travelers Rest, S.C. He has been in private practice for 27 years in Greenville and Easley, S.C. He is the Medical Director and Program Sponsor of Recovery Concepts of the Upstate, a federally licensed Opioid Treatment Center.
He currently serves on the Soapstone Church Preservation and Endowment Board. He is the Director of Fundraising on the Proactive Parenting Initiative Board. He is the Director of Family Life Ministries at Cox Chapel Baptist Church where he serves as a deacon and minister. He previously served on the MUSC Centers for Drug and Alcohol Programs Philanthropy Board and the Woholi Academy Charter School Board.
Dr. Craddock grew up in Laurens County, SC. He is a graduate of Clemson University and received his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina. He completed his residency in General Adult Psychiatry at Wake Forest University. He currently lives in Tigerville, S.C. Dr. Craddock is a strong advocate for patients with addiction and mental health issues. He is also a strong advocate for at-risk youth.