
Enhance Sensory Processing Skills With At Home Vestibular Activities

sensory therapy

Children with sensory modulation disorder can often appear over-responsive to certain sensory stimuli, making them fearful of movement or resistant to touch, for example, while also being under-responsive to a different stimuli. Or, these kids can fluctuate between the two extremes from day-to-day or become sensory seeking as a way to try to jump start

Activities That Support Sensory Integration for Children with Autism

At Home Activities for Sensory Integration Intro

Why is Sensory Integration Important? After their children have completed our residential autism treatment program, parents often ask us how they can continue to work on sensory integration and behavioral issues at home. They see that their children have made great strides, and they want to build on their progress. Fortunately, there are some simple

Heavy Work: A Beneficial Occupational Therapy for Autism

Activites for children with autism

As part of our occupational therapy for autism, we often use heavy work activities. If you’ve been on our blog for long, or if your child was diagnosed with autism a while ago, you are probably no stranger to the concept of proprioception and heavy work activities. However, if your child was diagnosed recently, the

Holidays and Autism: What Parents Should Know

holiday tips autism

Tips To Help Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Have Happy Holidays Holidays and autism may feel like a hopeless combination for some parents. Between the shopping, cooking, decorating, and wrapping, the holiday season is stressful for everyone. But the holidays can be particularly stressful for the parent of a child on the autism spectrum. Generally

Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism is Fun, Safe, and Effective

aquatic therapy for autism

At Springbrook, our occupational and recreational therapists include some type of aquatic therapy for children with autism every single day—because the benefits are enormous and because it’s an enjoyable activity that the kids love and look forward to. It helps that there is a full size, heated indoor pool at Springbrook.  So, this activity is

Springbrook Guides Military Families Through Autism Treatments

An Interview with DJ Reyes, Springbrook Autism Program’s Military Consultant Colonel US Army (retired), parent of 10 year old triplets, one of whom has been diagnosed with autism Colonel DJ Reyes is Springbrook’s military consultant, helping military families who have a child with autism navigate the TRICARE process and receive the care and therapy that

New App for Early Detection of Autism

early detection of autism app

Early Detection of Autism Made Easier with New App Early Detection App Screens for Autism in Children as Young as Two Experts agree that early detection of autism is one of the most important factors for predicting a good outcome, or long-term success, for children with autism. A big challenge that parents and occupational therapists

High-Functioning, Low-Functioning, or Autism Severity?

Low functioning autism

The Language of Autism is Failing our Children When faced with an autism diagnosis, many parents immediately want to know where on the spectrum their child falls. In other words, is my child low-functioning or high-functioning? The question is understandable. Parents are really asking: “What are the chances that my child will have a normal,

Springbrook Sensory Modulation Series: Full Spectrum Lights

sensory modulation full spectrum lighting

Full Spectrum Lighting Can Help Children with Autism Focus We write about sensory integration and sensory modulation frequently on the Springbrook blog because these are fundamental components of any successful plan to modify the self-destructive, aggressive, or otherwise maladaptive behaviors often associated with autism. Sensory integration refers to the ability to correctly assimilate all of

TRICARE Certified EMF: Autism Behavioral Health Resources for Military Families

TRICARE Certified EMF Autism Resource

Meet Colonel DJ Reyes, Springbrook’s Military Consultant As a TRICARE certified EMF, we are happy to announce that Springbrook Residential Autism Program has a new resource for military families who are navigating the TRICARE approval process and seeking residential treatment for a child with autism. In his role as the military consultant to Springbrook, Colonel