
Transitioning Back Home from a Residential Treatment Facility

By William Killion, PhD, BCBA Enlisting the help of a residential treatment facility can often be the most difficult decision parents of children with autism face, particularly if that treatment center is far from home. Parents who have likely had little to no separation from their child throughout the daily caregiving process feel innate anxiety

Helping Grandchildren with Autism

From the thrill of the pregnancy announcement to the first time you hold your child’s child, becoming a grandparent is traditionally an experience filled with expectation and happiness. Watching grandchildren grow can be one of life’s greatest joys, but based on recent statistics, an increasing number of grandparents are learning what it means to have

Helping Kids with Autism Handle Emergencies: Clear Communication is Critical

Kids with autism & Emergencies

In the previous post (hyperlink to Springbrook Blog Post 1 after its posted), we discussed the importance of advanced planning when it comes to helping family members with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) successful cope with potentially dangerous situations. Planning in advance, communicating those plans with neighbors and first responders, and even practicing for emergency situations,

Autism Research on a Grand Scale: The Autism Genome Project

Autism Genome Project

At the most basic level, human life relies on the vast amounts of information contained in an individual’s genetic code. From cell growth to visible characteristics, every detail of a person’s physical existence is determined by their genes. While geneticists have studied the minutiae of genes for decades, the first concerted effort to map the

Safety First: Disaster Preparedness for Families of Children with Autism

Disaster Preparedness & Autism

Safety First: Disaster Preparedness for Families of Children with Autism As a parent, how should you approach disaster preparedness if one or more of your children is on the autism spectrum? A quick review of recent headlines underscores the importance of developing a comprehensive family emergency plan. From floods and hurricanes to tornadoes and wildfires,