Mike Rowley

Mr. Rowley is the Administrator and maintains overall responsibility for the operation for Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health. Mike is instrumental in the significant financial and national market share growth at Springbook Autism Behavioral Health. Under his leadership the programming to treat behaviors in children and adolescents with autism has become a center of excellence. In …
Bart Bennett
Matthew Fisher, MD

Dr. Fisher completed his General Psychiatry residency at the University of Texas-Galveston and a Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at University of South Carolina. He serves as the Medical leader of Springbrook’s Psychiatric Residential and Outpatient Treatment Program (specializing in treating Autism Spectrum Disorders) and is an authority in minimal medical management of ASD and ASD with …
Jeffrey C. Craddock, MD

Dr. Craddock is a practicing psychiatrist in Greenville. He is the Medical Director of the Acute Autism Assessment and Stabilization Unit at SpringBrook Hospital in Travelers Rest, S.C. He has been in private practice for 27 years in Greenville and Easley, S.C. He is the Medical Director and Program Sponsor of Recovery Concepts of the …
Lisa McJunkin
Janice Collins

Janice Collins has a broad background, working many years with behavioral health in residential treatment and has found inspiration in the way good mental healthcare improves patients’ lives. Over the course of her career Janice has developed a deep understanding of the importance of Risk Management to patient care. She is known for her strong …
Brandon Clark, PsyD

Brandon Clark is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. He is the clinical director at Springbrook Behavioral Hospital. He has a doctorate degree in psychology with an emphasis in industrial/organizational theory. He enjoys implementing behavior strategies to improve system based processes and make organizational advancements.
William Killion, PhD

William Killion, PhD, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health in Travelers Rest, S.C. Dr. Killion has a PhD in Developmental Psychology and is the author of the Functional Independence Skills Handbook, or F.I.S.H., Developmental Program, which is a curriculum for ABA used world-wide and translated into multiple languages. He serves …